Saturday, 29 May 2010

Granite city where dreams are made of..

Just a little parody my friend Hannah came up with out on the town last night. This is just going to be quite quick, since I have to go to work in about 20 minutes. So I'm currently nibbling away at my leftover BK chips, where the night ended - the classy gals we are. We had a reasonably successful night, apart from some slight drama with a dickhead who is not worthy of any more discussion than this. We took lots of pictures, however only one properly shows my outfit (minus the bag and blazer) so i'll upload a couple. I had my hair cut a couple of weeks ago by the way but didn't have time to take any pictures of it as I had my exams so you can see it now. It's a lot shorter and there's a few blonde flashes but you might not be able to see them. Anyway, here you go:

Sex & the City? I think so.

Just having a wee dance, getting Hannah in the mood

Eat your heart out ladsss

A classy end to the night

Friday, 28 May 2010

Guess who's back...

I am free, officially and finally free. I had my last exam on Thursday so now I have a week to laze about and do absolutely no revision whatsoever, before going back to 6th year on 7th June. So I'm hitting the town tonight with a few of the gals for drinks so I should have an outfit and some other pictures on here tomorrow, if all goes to plan. For now, I'll do another "style crush" post, just because I love her so so so much: Florence Welch. She is amazing: her music, her style, her hair and just her. I love pretty much everything she wears so it was really difficult for me to narrow it down to just a few pictures to upload, but anyway here are a few of my favourite outfits:

I love the dresses she wears during her performances, which are always really floaty and dreamy. I'm so excited to see her at T in the Park in summer, I'm not missing her for anything! Although I think the stage she's playing is the best one on that day anyway as far as I remember, so lucky me :)

Also, just for giggles, this song is fast becoming my guilty pleasure of the summer, thanks to Greg James. It's just so funny and terrible, yet so catchy at the same time. I love the way he says "solo" like he has a speech impediment, big up the Derulo: